Saturday 30 November 2013

Starting a Journey...

When we start off in school as children, we don't hold back and create art and most of us are very proud to take our works home to our parents. Many Mom's and Dad's hang their child's works on the fridge creating a gallery so family and friends can comment on how wonderfully talented the child is. Somehow, though, as we grow older we lose that freedom of expression in fear that our peers will judge us as "not good enough". 

Art cannot be wrong and can never be "not good enough". We need to get back to the days of Kindergarten when we didn't care if we coloured inside the lines or not. Creativity is a gift that we all carry in some form or another, it helps us release emotions including negative ones that may be self-destructive. 

So where do you start if you have never thought of yourself as an artist or creator?...My advice is to just pick up a medium (paint, pencils, clay, beads etc.) and just have some fun!

I started to really dabble in art a couple of years ago when I had to do a project for school. I found that it really gave me an outlet to deal with the depression that I was going through. I was surprised what I could create and ultimately didn't care what other thought...I knew it was "me" and I didn't have to change it for someone else. 

I am expanding my artistic pallet and most of all, I am having a good time!

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