Monday 11 August 2014

Oh, How My Heart Is Breaking! #RIPRobinWilliams

I haven't been keeping up with my blogging or my art because after a long and harsh winter my depression took the better of me. I landed in hospital for a month while, and I am not ashamed to say so because I have a legitimate illness that needs medical treatment.

What inspired me to write today hearing of the "apparent suicide" of Mr Robin Williams.

We need to talk about depression and other mental illnesses more so that people aren't ashamed to ask for help. It takes all my courage and energy to fight for admission for hospital, but there are those who don't have the energy to fight the system in order to get the treatment they need.

In a day in age that we are shifting our focus away from institutions and solely looking at community living we are doing a disservice to people who need to be closely watched. I ask this question, would you deny somebody with a terminal illness admission to hospital to be treated? Probably not. Depression is a terminal illness unless treated effectively. 

I would like to end this short blog with a post from my Facebook page:

Dear Mr. Robin Williams,

I am sorry that the darkness of depression took you from us. May you find the peace that you couldn't find here on earth. I understand the pain that you were in, how the sadness tortures the soul. I have been there.

May your leaving this world not be in vein, Let's keep talking about depression and treatment for it!

You gave us all your laughter and didn't keep enough for yourself. May your legacy live on!


A suicide survivor.

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