Friday 15 August 2014

Words Hurt!

People can make many mistakes along the path of life, we say things to loved ones that we later regret and don't really mean, we can do things to unintentionally (or intentionally for that matter) to hurt others. But for most of us in this world our words do not reach a large audience unlike celebrities.

I believe that when you are in a position of influence whether it be because of power, money or fame, there comes a strong responsibility to use your words carefully and in a respectful manner. 

I don't want to use my blog to trigger hate or cause people to resort to name calling, so I will try to use my words as  eloquently  as possible while writing this.

In light of the increase in awareness of depression on social media following the passing of Mr. Robin Williams, a response in an interview that Gene Simmons (of the band KISS) gave, angered a lot of people.  Mr. Simmons was interviewed by on July 31, 2014 in which he made some comments about addiction, alcholism, and depression that came across as insensitive. 

(Follow the link here for the interview: 

After the back lash of the public responding unfavorably, he issued an apology which has been taken as damage control and not a genuine attempt to understand the nature of addiction and depression. 

(Follow the link for the full statement:  

After I read the apology and some of the comments left by fans and ex-fans, I felt the need to get my feelings out about the response to his statement.

I understand that his fans want to take the apology at face value, and my hope is that he really meant it. However, I don't quite think that he has the understanding of depression quite yet. While I have depression with no chemical dependency or alcohol abuse, I do understand that addiction goes hand in hand. An addiction with depression can stem from anything, shopping, food, drugs, alcohol, physical self-harm (e.g. cutting) or even sex. My addiction happens to be food.

I really hope that Mr. Simmons really takes the time to learn about depression and the connection to addiction. 

To sum things up I would like to end with the definitions of addiction and self-harm:

ad·dic·tion noun \ə-ˈdik-shən, a-\
: a strong and harmful need to regularly have something (such as a drug) or do something (such as gamble)

: an unusually great interest in something or a need to do or have something

Full Definition of ADDICTION

1:  the quality or state of being addicted <addiction to reading>

2:  compulsive need for and use of a habit-forming substance (as heroin, nicotine, or alcohol) characterized by tolerance and by well-defined physiological symptoms upon withdrawal;broadly :  persistent compulsive use of a substance known by the user to be harmful

 self-harm Pronunciation: /sɛlfˈhɑːm    /

Deliberate injury to oneself, typically as a manifestation of a psychological or psychiatric disorder.

Commit self-harm.

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